How often should you water succulents-this is one of the biggest questions I get, when I get to meet my customers face to face, is about the proper way to water your succulent plant once you bring it home.
Succulent plants are a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardening due to their ability to store water in their leaves and stems. These unique plants come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, making them an attractive addition to any garden or home. However, proper watering is essential for the health and longevity of your succulent plants.
In this blog post, we will discuss the proper way to water your succulent plant, including the frequency, amount, and methods of watering. I hope, this writing will meet your question of how often should you water succulents?

6 Factors That Affect How often should you water succulents?
1. Understand your succulent plant's watering needs:
The first step in properly watering your succulent plant is to understand its watering needs. Succulent plants are adapted to dry, arid climates and can survive extended periods without water. Overwatering is a common mistake made by many plant enthusiasts. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can cause the plant to wilt and eventually die. Therefore, it is important to know your plant's watering needs before you water.
2. Water your succulent plant on a schedule:
Once you understand your succulent plant's watering needs, the next step is to establish a watering schedule. Watering your plant on a schedule ensures that it receives the right amount of water at the right time. The frequency of watering depends on various factors such as the type of plant, the size of the pot, and the climate.
In general, most succulent gift box plants require watering once a week during the growing season. During the winter months, you can reduce the frequency of watering to once every two to three weeks. However, it is essential to monitor your plant's soil moisture levels before watering. Use your fingers to feel the soil's moisture level at a depth of one to two inches. If the soil is dry, it's time to water.
3. Water your succulent plant deeply:
When you water your succulent plant, it is essential to water deeply. Succulent plants have deep roots that can reach several feet deep. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that water reaches the plant's roots. Watering deeply also encourages the roots to grow deeper, which helps the plant to become more drought-tolerant.
To water your succulent plant deeply, water until the soil is saturated. Allow the water to drain out of the pot's drainage holes completely. Avoid leaving your plant in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.
4. Use the right watering method:
The watering method you use can also impact your succulent plant's health. The two most common watering methods are bottom watering and top watering.
Bottom watering involves placing the pot in a saucer filled with water. The plant will absorb the water through the drainage holes. This method ensures that the plant's roots receive enough water without overwatering. Top watering involves pouring water directly on the soil. This method can be more challenging to get right, as it is easy to overwater. It is essential to avoid getting water on the leaves, as this can cause the plant to rot.
5. Use the right soil mix:
Succulent plants require well-draining soil that allows water to flow freely through the pot. Using the right soil mix is essential for your plant's health. A soil mix that is too dense can lead to waterlogging, which can cause root rot.
When selecting a soil mix for your succulent plant, look for a mix that contains coarse sand, perlite, or pumice. These materials will help the soil to drain well and prevent water logging.
6. Water at the right time of day:
The time of day you water your succulent plant can also impact its health. Watering your plant early in the day allows the water to evaporate quickly, reducing the risk of fungal growth. It also allows the plant to absorb the water before the sun becomes too hot.